Friday, May 24, 2019

Thoughts on crating?

It's a YES from me! The benefits of crate training . . .

When a dog is properly crate trained the crate feels like a den for them. It is a safe and cozy place for your dog and as a bonus it:
  • Makes potty training easier. Puppies naturally don’t want to soil their den so placing them in a crate at night can help speed up potty training.
  • Keeps your dog safe and stops them from chewing things in the house. And keeps your house safe. I’ve known puppies that will chew holes in walls when they are teething!
  • Most anxious dogs benefit from crating. Anxious dogs tend to feel safer in a crate and relax more as it feels like their private den. However, some anxious dogs don’t like being confined in crates so you will need to figure out how your dog reacts to it.
  • Crates can help stop dogs that patrol at night to settle down and sleep instead. A well-rested dog and a well-rested owner makes for a much happier household!
  • If your dog needs to stay overnight at the vet, or travel on a plane, or be confined due to injury it will be less stressed as it is used to being in a crate.
  • Crates are easily transportable and can be used to keep your dog safe when travelling in the car, staying overnight somewhere new or camping.
  • The crate is your dog’s only private space! Like a teenager’s bedroom, your dog will appreciate having its own special place to relax and sleep.