Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Understanding and Monitoring Canine Pregnancy

A brief lesson in Canine Pregnancy . . .

The only hormone required to maintain pregnancy in dogs is progesterone. Not only do we monitor progesterone in preparation before breeding -- but in problematic bitches, we use "reverse progesterone" (i.e. looking for a drop). Wen progesterone levels drop, supplementation can be considered in order to maintain the pregnancy. Choosing to administer progesterone would occur if the level falls below 5 ng/ml before Day 55, or declines more rapidly than expected in mid-gestation. Towards the end of the pregnancy, the progesterone level naturally drops in preparation for whelping. Chart below:

At Cordie's ultrasound it was decided we would monitor her progesterone levels on a weekly basis.  Here is a tracking of her progesterone results: 

4/13/19 - reverse Progesterone at 20 (at Chino) and will test in one week
4/20/19 - reverse Progesterone at 12.00 (at Chino) test Monday
4/22/19 - reverse Progesterone at 13.88 (Canine Cryo)

Her next Progesterone test is scheduled for Saturday, April 27th. πŸ‘Œ

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